- 载体名称:
- pUC18R6K-mini-Tn7T-Gm
- 载体抗性:
- Ampicillin
- 载体长度:
- 4310 bp
- 载体类型:
- Cloning vector
- 复制子:
- R6K γ ori
- 载体来源:
- Choi KH, Gaynor JB, White KG, Lopez C, Bosio CM, Karkhoff-Schweizer RR, Schweizer HP.
- 启动子:
- Pc
pUC18R6K-mini-Tn7T-Gm 载体图谱
1. 发货形式:质粒干粉(常温运输,存于-20度,请务必先转化提质粒后使用)
2. 收到质粒干粉后请先5000rpm离心1min,再加入20μl ddH2O溶解质粒;(质粒复测的浓度有时候与标称值差距较大,这可能是因为冻干质粒在管中的位置、复溶效率、测量偏差以及管壁的吸附导致,因此建议先转化提质粒后再使用)
3. 取1支100μl 感受态于冰上解冻10min,加入2μl质粒,再冰浴30min后,42℃热激60s,不要搅动,再冰浴2min;
4. 加入900μl无抗的LB液体培养基,180rpm震荡37℃培养45min (30℃培养1-1.5小时);
5. 6000rpm离心5min,仅留100μl上清液重悬细菌沉淀,并涂布至目标质粒抗性的LB平板上;
6. 将平板倒置37℃培养14h,如果要求是30℃则培养20h; (菌落过多则将质粒稀释后再转化;没有菌落则加入10μl质粒转化;建议不要直接转表达感受态, 要先转克隆感受态,重提质粒后再导入表达感受态);
7. 挑取单菌落至LB液体培养基中,加入对应抗生素,220rpm震荡培养14h,根据实验需要和质粒提取试剂盒说明书提取质粒。
pUC18R6K-mini-Tn7T-Gm 载体序列
LOCUS 40924_45033 4310 bp DNA circular SYN 18-DEC-2018 DEFINITION Cloning vector pUC18R6K-mini-Tn7T-Gm, complete sequence. ACCESSION . VERSION . KEYWORDS . SOURCE synthetic DNA construct ORGANISM synthetic DNA construct REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 4310) AUTHORS Choi KH, Gaynor JB, White KG, Lopez C, Bosio CM, Karkhoff-Schweizer RR, Schweizer HP. TITLE A Tn7-based broad-range bacterial cloning and expression system JOURNAL Nat. Methods 2 (6), 443-448 (2005) PUBMED 15908923 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 4310) AUTHORS Choi K-H., Gaynor JB, White KG, Lopez C, Bosio CM, Karkhoff-Schweizer RR, Schweizer HP. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-AUG-2005) Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 4310) TITLE Direct Submission REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 4310) AUTHORS . TITLE Direct Submission COMMENT SGRef: number: 1; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "Nat. Methods"; date: "2005"; volume: "2"; issue: "6"; pages: "443-448" COMMENT SGRef: number: 2; type: "Journal Article"; journalName: "Submitted (02-AUG-2005) Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA" COMMENT SGRef: number: 3; type: "Journal Article" FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..4310 /mol_type="other DNA" /organism="synthetic DNA construct" repeat_region 382..580 /note="Tn7R; right end of Tn7" primer_bind 585..601 /label=KS primer /note="common sequencing primer, one of multiple similar variants" terminator 629..723 /label=lambda t0 terminator /note="transcription terminator from phage lambda" terminator 826..912 /label=rrnB T1 terminator /note="transcription terminator T1 from the E. coli rrnB gene" protein_bind 958..1005 /label=FRT /note="FLP-mediated recombination occurs in the 8-bp core sequence TCTAGAAA (Turan and Bode, 2011)." CDS complement(1138..1668) /label=GmR /note="gentamycin acetyltransferase" promoter complement(1857..1885) /label=Pc promoter /note="class 1 integron promoter" misc_feature 1926..1973 /note="FRT; Flp recombinase target site" protein_bind 1926..1973 /label=FRT /bound_moiety="FLP recombinase from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2u plasmid" /note="FLP-mediated recombination occurs in the 8-bp core sequence TCTAGAAA (Turan and Bode, 2011)." misc_feature 2000..2077 /note="multiple cloning site; MCS" mobile_element complement(2086..2251) /label=Tn7L /note="mini-Tn7 element (left end of the Tn7 transposon)" rep_origin 2457..2841 /label=R6K gamma ori /note="gamma replication origin from E. coli plasmid R6K; requires the R6K initiator protein pi for replication" CDS complement(3253..4110) /label=AmpR /note="beta-lactamase" promoter complement(4111..4215) /label=AmpR promoter